Giving for Good at Salisbury Boys and Girls Club

#Giving for Good

As a mutual bank, we have always believed in helping others in our communities. In addition to our charitable foundation, our #Giving for Good program highlights Bank’s volunteerism as well as  non-profit partners and organizations that help so many in our communities.

Every Bank employee is given 10 paid hours each year to volunteer in our communities for causes that are near and dear to them. In addition, "green teams" of Bank employees go out into the community every month  to 'pay it forward’ by donating needed supplies and equipment to senior centers, delivering lunch to first responders, purchasing supplies for local schools and shelters, and more.

Check out this short video highlighting #Giving for Good and our generous charitable giving!

Paying it forward in 2025

In January, the Newburyport Main Office and Rock Operations Center (ROC) donated to two worthy organizations: Newburyport Learning Enrichment Center and NEER North Horse Rescue in West Newbury. The Main Office donated furniture and supplies to the Center's library and teen room which was undergoing a much-needed renovation. Employees also volunteered to help with the renovations. The ROC donated $1,500 to NEER North Horse Rescue to purchase supplies.  The ROC crew also volunteered a few hours on a Sunday mucking the stalls, feeding the horses, and learning about the work that NEER does. 
main office staff donated furniture to Newburyport Learning Enrichment CenterROC staff at NEER North Horse Rescue

In February, our Ipswich Depot Square office donated $1,500 worth of potting soil to the Three Sisters Garden Project, a non-profit farm providing local produce to 18 North Shore cities and towns. They will use this soil to start seedlings for their spring plant sale and summer CSA program. 
Ipswich office donates soil to Three Sisters Garden Project


2021 Donations

Fostering Care employee receiving check donation

In January, employees from our Main office presented Tara Driscoll from Fostering Care in West Newbury with a generous donation to purchase personal care items for children in their care.

DenMar Rehab  employees receiving gift bags

In February, our Rockport office employees donated Market Basket gift cards to the staff at the DenMar Health & Rehabilitation Center in Rockport. Assistant Manager Kelly Nappa presented the gift cards to Executive Director Derek Moore and his staff.

Doyon and Winthrop Elementary employees receive gift cards
In March, employees of our Ipswich office surprised the hard working staff at the Doyon and Winthrop Elementary Schools with free lunch. Each staff member received a gift card to a local restaurant.

To the left is Doyon Elementary School Principal Sheila Halloran (middle), along with Brooke Sweeney and Shelly Gauthier from our Ipswich office.

Below is Winthrop Elementary School Principal Sheila McAdams (middle), along with Jenn Velez and Christine Allen from our Ipswich office.

Conley Pharmacy employees receiving gift bags
Also in March, employees of our Ipswich team surprised community hero Alex Doyle of Conley’s Pharmacy with a gift card to the Hart House in appreciation for his tireless efforts coordinating COVID-19 testing and vaccination sites within multiple towns in our area.

Eliot House  employees receiving gift bags
In April, employees in our Gloucester office allocated their funds to three terrific groups. Residents at the Eliot House in Gloucester (left) received gift cards, the staff at Urgent Care in Gloucester were treated to lunch and essential workers in the community received gift cards in appreciation for all that they do to help others.

Runway for Recovery employee receiving donation
In May, our Storey Avenue Newburyport team presented Runway for Recovery Founder and Executive Director Olivia Achtmeyer Boger with a generous donation to help support families of those affected by breast cancer.

Ipswich YMCA employees receiving camper backpacks
In June, employees in our Hamilton and County Road Ipswich offices donated backpacks full of supplies for the Ipswich YMCA's summer campers.

North East Educational & Development Support Center staff and members with Bank employees
In July, employees in our Rowley office donated funds to the North East Educational & Development Support (NEEDS) Center's Community Based Day Support program, which helps individuals develop their communication and socialization skills.  The funds will be used to purchase educational and recreational materials for this vital program.

In August, employees in our Lending office donated funds to two worthy organizations.

Lydias Kids representatives with Bank employees
The Lydia’s Kids Foundation is a charitable foundation in Newburyport that provides funds for children in need for short term items such as eyeglasses, clothing, snow boots or summer camp expenses that may not be satisfied by other agencies. 
One Wish Project representative with Bank employees
The One Wish Project is a nonprofit that provides a birthday cake and presents to children on their birthday that are in foster care homes and homeless shelters in Merrimack Valley. Hannah Finn, the founder of the project, started when she was 14 years old with the hopes “they remember how even a stranger like me, recognized and celebrated each of them individually and made them feel deserving of all the joys of a birthday celebration regardless of their circumstances.” Recently, she has broadened their footprint into the North Shore and Boston area. The project is truly one of a kind and with the help of her mom Claudia Mintz and many volunteers, they have been able to celebrate about 400 birthdays since the nonprofit’s start.

Boxford Fire department with Bank employees
In September, employees in our Boxford office provided lunch to the Boxford Fire and Police departments. The Boxford office is so proud and thankful to have both the PD and FD keeping them safe. Lunch was prepared by the Boxford Community Kitchen.Boxford Police with Bank employees

In September, employees in our Topsfield office provided lunch to the Topsfield Fire and Police departments.

topsfield police departmenttopsfield fire department

Wrapping up our September Giving for Good activities, our Middleton office employees provided a hot lunch to the members of the Middleton Fire and Police departments.

middleton fire departmentmiddleton police department

In October, employees from the Amesbury office chose two great organizations to support.

amesbury council on aging donation
The first donation to the Amesbury Council on Aging funded the bagged lunch program for Seniors for the remainder of the year.

James place in Amesbury donation
James Place provides before and after school care for children in kindergarten through age 13 in the Amesbury community. Funds will be distributed in the form of scholarships for families experiencing hardships.

Salisbury Senior Center food pantry

In November, employees from our Salisbury office presented the staff at the Salisbury Senior Center's new food pantry, Joanne's Market, with 60 Market Basket $25 gift cards to be distributed to those in need.

Healing Abuse Working for Change nonprofit in Salem
In December, our Salem office donated personal care items to the Healing Abuse Working for Change (HAWC) organization in Salem.  HAWC provides services to victims of domestic violence residing on the North Shore.

Express Yourself youth program in Beverly
In December, the Beverly office donated funds to Express Yourself, an inspiring organization that provides creative arts programs for the youth in the Beverly area.
2022 Donations

rowley senior center gift bag donation

In January, our Rowley office and commercial lending department assembled grab & go bags for the Rowley Senior Center. The bags, which included an assortment of treats, personal care items and activities, were distributed to Rowley seniors.

Habitat for Humanity family donation

In February, Residential Lending office employees surprised families in the Habitat for Humanity program with drawstring backpacks for the children filled with all kinds of fun items and a gift card to a local sporting goods store.

Rest Stop Ranch donation
In March, employees from the Topsfied, Boxford and Middleton offices presented Rest-Stop-Ranch in Topsfield with a donation to fund wheelchair accessible healing gardens which help provide a place for respite, peace and tranquility to those with Dementia, Alzheimer’s or other illnesses.

amesbury public schools teacher appreciation lunch
In April, the Amesbury office partnered with the Amesbury Educational Foundation Inc. and hosted a teacher appreciation day at all five Amesbury public schools.

Sailsbury Boys & Girls Club
In May, a crowd of cheering youngsters greeted our Giving for Good crew when they visited the Boys & Girls Club of Lower Merrimack Valley in Salisbury to deliver two truck loads of sporting goods for their summer programs. An ample supply of fun was unloaded, including two full-size soccer goals, an assortment of playground balls, lawn games, slip ‘n slides, frisbees and more!

presenting donation to NAGLY
In June, the Beverly and Salem offices donated to NAGLY (North Shore Alliance of GLBTQ+ Youth). NAGLY has daily programs/events centered around fostering children’s individual identities and teach them skills on how to remain safe and healthy through a variety of programs including leadership training, a program with the North Shore Rape Crisis Center, tutoring, fitness, game nights, health clinics, counseling and more. The offices donated about $300 in snacks to feed the children while at these programs. The remaining funds were a monetary donation.

presenting check to NYS
In July, our Main office employees presented Newburyport Youth Services (NYS) with a donation to help launch the NYS Family Club.  NYS is a municipal department founded 16 years ago with the mission to create quality programs, events, and services for Greater Newburyport Area youth and families in safe and supportive environments that encourage growth, self-exploration, empowerment and community. The funds will be used to sponsor future events and speakers hosted by the NYS Family Club.

Rockport Giving for Good 2022
In August, our Rockport office employees donated to the Rockport Middle and High School Green Team to help fund their organic garden and to further their mission of keeping the schools environmentally conscious.

rowley office donating at Ipswich Humane Group
In September, the Ipswich team purchased pet supplies and made a donation to the Ipswich Humane Group.

Gloucester Giving for Good team 2022
In October, the Gloucester office made a donation to the activities fund at the Day by Day Adult Care in Gloucester.

Storey Ave Newburyport office Giving for Good team 2022
In November, the Storey Avenue Newburyport team presented Fostering Care with backpacks stuffed with clothing, supplies and stuffed animals to help support children in foster care.

County Road Ipswich Giving for Good team 2022
In December, the Hamilton and County Road Ipswich offices teamed up to support Veterans in their areas. A donation was made to the Veterans in the Hamilton-Wenham community and 56 American Flags were donated to the Ipswich Veterans group to replace the flags prominently displayed along Central & Market Streets in Ipswich.

2023 donations

Employees donate to Hamilton Council on AgingEmployees donate to Ipswich Council on Aging
In December, the Hamilton and County Road offices focused on the elderly adults within the Ipswich & Hamilton communities. They provided the Ipswich & Hamilton Councils on Aging with Holiday Gift Bags to be distributed to seniors who may be lonely or isolated. The gift bags contained items that offered: Something to do, something to wear, something practical, something pampering & something sweet to eat.

storey ave office donation to emmaus houseAnchor of Hope group donation
In November the Storey Avenue Newburyport office chose two wonderful local organizations to support.  Emmaus House, a homeless shelter in Haverhill, received $250 in groceries and a check for $500.  Anchor of Hope Diaper Bank, also in Haverhill, received $250 of diapers and wipes a $500 donation.

to show we care nonprofit organization receives donation

October's Giving for Good was organized by the Gloucester office who donated funds to 2 Show We Care, a micro-nonprofit in Gloucester.  This non-profit supports people affected by ​cancer and other life-threatening illnesses by hosting entertainment events and programs.

wolf hollow sanctuary receives donation
In September the Depot Square Ipswich office presented Wolf Hollow with a donation to be used to help maintain its facilities.  Wolf Hollow is a non-profit wolf sanctuary and educational facility located in Ipswich.

rockport american legion receives donation
In August, the Rockport office presented the American Legion Post #98 with a donation to be used to purchase new recreational equipment.

In July, Newburyport's Main Office treated campers and counselors at Newburyport Youth Services summer camp with ice cream and popsicles. The "Green Team" also purchased supplies for the Children's’ Room at the Newburyport Public Library. 

IFS employees serve ice cream to Newburyport Youth Services kidsIFS employees give to Childrens' Room at Newburyport Public Library

Also in July, the Rock Operations Center in Newburyport donated $750 to Link House’s Women’s Independent Sober House (WISH) and $750 in much-needed supplies to Sweet Paws Rescue.

IFS employees donate to Link House's  WISH House in Newburyport employees donated to Sweet Paws Rescue

Beverly Childrens Learning Center donation
In June, the Beverly and Salem offices donated $1,000 to support Beverly Children's Learning Center's enrichment activities, as well as $500 to The Girdler House to treat residents to a special lunch out on the town.

IFS employees with a group of residents from The Girdler House

IFS employees treat Salisbury Elementary students to ice cream

In May, the Salisbury office treated Salisbury Elementary School students and faculty to Hodgies Too of Salisbury ice cream to celebrate the completion of MCAS testing and all of their great efforts this school year.

Ava J. Harlow Supplemental Needs Fund - descriptive banner
April’s Giving for Good was organized by the Amesbury office and they donated $1,500 to the Ava J. Harlow Supplemental Needs Fund to assist a young Amesbury resident who recently had been severely injured in an accident.

Middleton office employees with Middleton Youth Softball League
In March, the Middleton office selected the Middleton Youth Softball Association as the recipient of a $1,500 donation to assist with field upgrades and maintenance.

Lending office Giving for Good Uber gift cards 2023
In February, the Residential Lending office donated $900 worth of Uber gift cards to the Gerrish Breast Care Center at Anna Jaques Hospital and $600 to Nock Middle School so students in need could attend Project Adventure camp.

Rowley office Giving for Good 2023
In January, our Rowley office and commercial lending team selected the Rowley Public Library as the recipient of a $1,500 donation.
2024 donations


Rowley and Commercial Lending donated  to Pine Grove Elementary School
In January, our Main office donated furniture and supplies to Newburyport Learning Enrichment Center. The Center is a collaborative after-school program designed to support young people with their academic and social needs. The furniture will be used in the newly remodeled library and teen room. Over February school vacation, several Bank employees also volunteered to help with the renovations.